Services We Do Not Provide

- by npadmin - March 29, 2021

While your cleaning professionals do their absolute best every service, below we have listed items that, through years of experience, our cleaners have suggested we not offer/guarantee. Liability, safety, and the highest quality are considered at all times. If you are unsure about your cleaning or an item below, please call us to discuss, we want to make sure both you and your cleaning professionals are happy!


– Clean bio-hazardous substances (feces, blood, etc)

– No Lifting or moving heavy items (Refrigerator, Stove, Tables, Furniture, etc.)

– No moving vases, hung pictures, or other delicate items.

– Organization and decluttering, we are there to clean/disinfect

– Outside window cleaning

– Carpet/steam cleaning (but we can refer you to a partnered company)

– Clean areas that are out of reach with a 2-step ladder/stool

– Service clients who are disrespectful to our cleaners

– Removing excessive pet hair from upholstery. While our Deep Clean option does include vacuuming furniture, our cleaning professionals have found that guaranteeing the removal of excessive pet hair from upholstery is too time consuming to be economical, and they are never satisfied with the end result. However, they will do their best, and we hope our clients will understand the effort taken.

– Cleaning Dishwashers and Washing Machines


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